Different Type of Roofs You Should Consider for Your Home –

Do have a range of choices with this particular type of roofing. These include single-slope roofs that is often referred to as the shed roof. This type of roof is attached to a wall that is tall in order to permit less building amount of material, and also to facilitate construction. It is a less costly roof. Gable roofs are also an option. They have a more traditional design to offer the roof better ventilation and room. The glass roof is utilized to enjoy the skies. Glass roofs can let in more light.
Wood Roofing

A roof made of wood is a good option you are considering the numerous types of roofing you can install. A wood roof is the ideal choice for a Cape Cod, Craftsman, or Tudor-style home. As they age, wooden roofs turn to a brownish-sandy color and then a silvery hue. Roofs made of wood can last for up to 50 year even in the most dry of conditions. In areas prone to fire, the wood needs to be treated. Wood roofs should be replaced regularly in more humid areas. The water can cause a lot of damage to roofs made of wood. The most common wood materials are the following: pine, cedar and redwood. This wood keeps insects away.

As for wood options that are available, cedar shaker roofing is among the most well-known. The price ranges from $5 to $13 for square feet. Shaker wood can be found in the form of a wedge, making the wood appear natural and rugged. It is more expensive to set up. Because they come from sawmills that are similar widths and thicknesses that is why wood shingles are consistent in their length. The roofs are clean and straight. It is about $2 less over shaker wood.

Green Roofing

The green roof is one of the most interesting environmentally friendly, sustainable, and sustainable forms of roofing you can install. It is an alternative to your current roof, and it includes soil and plants to create an evaporative layer. The term “living” refers to a roof, and more and more homeowners are building these roofs. They can improve air drainage and quality. It is on the expensive side at $20 per square foot. This means that a 2000-sq foot home will cost $20 per square foot.


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